SAP training Institute in Trivandrum

Python - Advanced

An interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.

ELIGIBILITY Beginners and Professionals

TARGET AUDIENCE     Full-Stack Web Development is the most popular developer occupation today. There are many online Full Stack developer courses, but in-person Full Stack developer training program is designed to train student from very basic concepts of programming to advanced concepts. In this course, we will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages and desktop application with HTML, CSS, and tkinter, PyQT Python 3, Django framework, Flask framework, Python automation using selenium, Web scraping, React, Git & GitHub. We will explore the core design of PyQT, its components and code organization techniques. You will learn about core python and python Ui application python framework. We will go through MySQL, SQL lite and MongoDB document-based Database.


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Python is a very relevant force in the modern software engineering landscape. It is a very simple and easy to learn general purpose programming language. Python is the most popular language, because of its advantages like, readability, portability, open source structure etc. Being a very high level language, Python reads like English, which takes a lot of syntax-learning stress off coding beginners. Python handles a lot of complexity for you, so it is very beginner-friendly in that it allows beginners to focus on learning programming concepts and not have to worry about too much details.

Python is used to develop different applications. Here are Python's 3 main applications.

  • WebDevelopment
  • DataScience—including machinelearning,data analysis, and data visualization
  • Scripting Different internet companies are using Python for platform development. Google, YouTube, Reddit etc. are using Python for front end as well as back end development. Python is also used for Machine Learning. NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib libraries are used for Data Manipulation and Visualisation.


SAP training Institute in Trivandrum

Why learn Python? Year-after-year, Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages for companies. Like most popular programming languages, Python’s popularity didn’t come until years after the language was created. Designed by Guido van Rossum, Python was initially introduced in 1991. By the end of 2000, Python 2.0 was released and the language entered it’s prime because of it’s adaptability and broad use.

Today, Python is on its third iteration and used by most of the world’s top tech companies. Those who learn Python run the gamut from software developer to data scientist to cybersecurity expert.


SAP training Institute in Trivandrum

Python is one of the most loved programming languages by developers, data scientists, software engineers, and even hackers because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features. Many of the web and mobile applications we enjoy today is because of Python’s abundant libraries, various frameworks, vast collections of modules, and file extensions. Not only that, Python is great for building micro-project to macro enterprise web services as well as on supporting other types of programming languages.

Although it’s a high-level language and can do complex tasks, Python is easy to learn and has a clean syntax. Therefore, its recommendable for both beginners and experienced programmers. Also, there are plenty of ways on how to learn Python; you can do self-study, enroll yourself in coding bootcamp or school or watch online tutorials.


Python - Core

Duration : 30 to 45 days


Duration : 20 to 30 days

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